It’s hard to imagine that in 2024 there would be such a poor social media showing by B2B companies, but yet there is. B2B companies lag behind B2C in part because it’s difficult for owners and managers to find the expertise needed to engage with other owners and managers. A common solution is to assign the task to someone within the business who seems to be good at using social media, but it’s soon realized that proficient users don’t make the best B2B directors.

A good B2B social media operator needs to have skills in advertising, marketing, and graphic design. A company’s social media must conform to its branding, messaging, and culture. At the same time, the risks of publishing troublesome content are high in today’s online world. A B2B company must exist above the noise, and steer clear of controversy.

The needed experience, education, and training to safely and effectively operate B2B social media is such a high challenge to meet that it’s easier to play it safe and publish little or nothing. However, the opportunity to broaden brand awareness and online engagement is so big, that more and more businesses are making the investment and attempting to get in the game.

84% of C-level and VP-level buyers are influenced by social media when purchasing

Social media reaches B2B decision-makers. 84% of C-level and VP-level buyers are influenced by social media when purchasing according to IDG. For higher-ups, social media is an essential resource for researching B2B opportunities because it gives the social proof they need to make important purchases. B2B buyers love to research before they buy. 55% say they look for information on social media.

  • 84% of B2B marketers use paid distribution channels (like Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and more) for content marketing purposes. (Content Marketing Institute, 2019)
  • 75% of B2B buyers use social media to support their purchase decisions. (HubSpot, 2017)
  • 45% of marketers have gained customers through LinkedIn. (Quick Sprout)
  • 65% of B2B companies have acquired a customer through LinkedIn paid ads. (HubSpot, 2018)
  • LinkedIn is 277% more effective in generating leads than Facebook. (HubSpot, 2018)
  • Only 47% of marketers say they are actively using LinkedIn. (HubSpot, 2018)
  • Businesses on Twitter generate twice the amount of leads as opposed to those not on the platform. (HubSpot, 2018)
  • Facebook (89%), LinkedIn (81%), and Twitter (75%) are the three most used social media channels by B2B marketers. Instagram is up and coming. (MarTechAdvisor)

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